Spiritual Alignment through trauma-informed psychotherapy
Therapy is about going ‘in’ and finding a way ‘out’ of suffering. It is about deep listening and gentle tending to parts inside of you that need your attention. It can also look like deep exploration about what really matters to you, and what holds meaning to you, what is your life’s purpose, and what alignment with your essence or inner being looks like. Therapy is about searching inside and shedding what no longer serves us. It’s about, learning something new about yourself, but also unlearning old habits, taking risks toward change, letting go, listening deeply, and adventuring into the wild territory of your inner landscape.
Trauma-based therapy
Unresolved trauma can really impact the quality of our lives.
Trauma occurs when there is a real or perceived threat to our survival, on a physical, emotional and/or psychological level. Some of the symptoms associated with unresolved trauma are: persistent fear, panic attacks, chronic anxiety, states of overwhelm, reactivity, anger, memory loss, sleep disorders, eating disorders, etc. We can also suffer energetic imbalances due to trauma that can look like chronic fatigue, chronic illness, covert depression, lack of vitality, joy, and sense of purpose. Trauma alters our sense of self, how we relate with others, how we feel in the world; our choices, our lifestyle, and ability to enjoy life.
Thankfully, we can grow a lot and become more resilient when we work through traumatic injuries as we heal energetically and reframed in the a new way what happened. Trauma work consists of supporting your body, mind and energetic system to process and integrate past emotional, physical and psychological pain in a different way. My job is to support and guide you in this journey of identifying, recognizing, naming and releasing what hurts by using somatic based interventions and helping you tap into your inner wisdom and strength in order to heal.
Our bodies and minds have tremendous capacity to heal, release and recover; and the therapeutic relationship I think, is an ideal place to work through this. You have deep wisdom and clarity, and you are fully capable of healing and transformation!
Attachment Theory
The path towards healing inevitably involves others. Our brains thrive, grow new cells and become more resilient when we bond with others. It is that simple. Healing happens when all parts of us are seen and held with respect and kindness by another human being. When we are witnessed in crossing thresholds and sometimes painful initiations and we experience deep pain, and we are pushed let go of what no longer serves us. Healing requires someone who is attuned, and capable of responding to our needs with compassion, and can helps us do the same with ourselves. Therapy works on our attachment system, our ability to bond, connect, depend on another human being. Within the therapeutic relationship we are encouraged to take risks so that we can grow and transform. This often translates as increased ability to trust that others in our lives can really be there for us.